“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
This isn’t as straightforward today as it was when it was written. Back in December of 1781 there were some assumptions about gun ownership that are not valid today. I believe one of those assumptions was that the soldier was to bring his own gun when called to duty. We don’t have soldiers providing their own guns today. The United States Military has enough of them. I prefer the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin’s language on the right to bear arms.
This is more precise. I do not want to get into a discussion about the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution when Article 1, Section 25 in the State of Wisconsin Constitution is what is enforced here in Wisconsin. I fully agree with the Wisconsin Constitution.
I have been a gun owner since I was 15. I completed the NRA hunter safety program. I am presently a gun owner, and I don’t want the government to take them away.
I do not approve of shooting school children. I believe that the government has a duty do everything in its power to keep children safe while they are at school. There have been too many incidents of shooting school children recently. The idea of keeping children safe at school doesn’t need to be associated with taking law abiding citizen’s guns away.
I believe the NRA has strayed from its mission. When I took the hunter safety class in high school, I had the impression that the NRA was promoting safe firearm use. When legislation comes up attempting to keep children safe at school they insist on no legislation at all. If The NRA promotes safe handling of a gun while hunting, why doesn’t it promote firearm safety classes for those buying guns for protection? Why doesn’t if offer safe handling of a firearm classes while it is in your house, to be used in your house for protection and security. Is the NRA saying that if you have a gun for your protection, school children must be at risk? Or are they saying that for school children to be safe, you cannot protect yourself?
If the NRA isn’t involved in writing legislation for keeping children safe at school, who will? I will tell you who will write it. It will be written by those who do not own a firearm. It will be written by those who are afraid of and don’t respect firearms. The NRA should be involved in writing that legislation, to make sure children are protected as well as our right to bear arms is protected.